This is our Prague Blog. Czech it out!

Being the unbelievable adventures of two young travelers in Prague and elsewhere...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

nice and sleazy

so... looks like i'm breaking up rhys's last entry from prague because i'm here at the dorms with nothing to do but use the computer. anna's in her room drawing a fellow naked. kristen and hannah and kelli were supposed to be here, but, well, they're not. so i'm here in hannah's room waiting for anna's gentleman friend to get dressed. this is not the sleazy part of the entry, i'm gonna get to that.

so there is this one guy in the study abroad program who is more or less a repulsive pervert. i know those are strong words, but those are the only ones that could adequately describe him. all he ever talks about is sleeping with women. he really likes eastern european women who don't speak much english, especially ones that around 30, unless he's 'girl shopping', in which case he likes 'high school aged girls.' he's a sort of tall, awkward, soft-spoken guy. from looking at him, you'd get the impression that he was really in to, like, role playing games or something. one of the first times i ever talked to him, he said that he really wanted to have sexual relations with a woman while he was defecating. ok dude, nice to meet you too...

so he meets these women on the internet and then flies all over the eastern bloc meeting them and, presumably, sleeping with them. anyways, yesterday, he was talking about how he'd met the woman that he was 85% sure that he wanted to marry. we asked him where that 85% came from. he said that he liked that she was close to thirty and hot and didn't speak english. then we asked him where the 15% of doubt came from. he said that he wasn't sure if he could convince her to be bisexual. then he started talking about how hard it was to find the type of woman he wanted to marry. we asked him what his criterion were, he said 'well, around 30 years old, hot, and bisexual, preferably with no knowledge of the english language.' we assured him that there were probably plenty of women like that out there. he said that his ideal life would be having sex with his wife in the morning and then going girlshopping with her in the afternoon and evening.

okay okay. maybe i shouldn't be so judgemental. i think it is okay for a person to be bisexual and all that. but i guess i do think this guy is a big perv. he girlshops for high school girls! then he showed us the letter that he'd written to the woman that he's 85% married to; it went something like this-

"I think you are the hottest woman in Prague. You smell nice. I know that you do not speak English very well, but this is okay. I could teach you English and maybe you could even teach me some Czech. I think it would be fun to shower with you. P.S. I want to do gross things to you."

he was going to have this translated to czech and then he was going to give it to her. the reason i thought of this just now is because i opened myspace to find the following two messages- (i know this is different because i've never met these guys and they probably just copy-paste this message to all the girls they see, but i still think it is funny-weird-gross)

1)do you like to make love? if so I am interested in making love to you!!!!
Alright, forward, but honest, actually I meant to write something else, but i have drunk tyoo muych.

2) Good Day! I am glad to find there are interesting persons in this place! And I would be glad to get acquainted with someone like you! I want to introduce myself: . My real name is [REAL NAME], i also stay in my country Nigeria now. I am 22yrs of age. I will like to use this opportunity to tell u that i'm active and strong in any area .I promise, i will be good to u and take good care of u more than any other person can do, i hope u will like to be in my country Nigeria cos. u will experience some of our cultures , will u like come to my country Nigeria?, with me it will be possible for u. I wanna make a real love with u ok, i realy luv. u, if u don' t want to come to Nigeria then tell me how we gat to meet face to face and share our love together, this is my contact address. My email is [EMAIL]
U can contact me through it

Ur picture trip me, Anyway i'm looking for a pritty lady that is caring and know what is called love that will be my life parttner for life, Even if we don't get married, i want u to be a good friend of mine, the one i can give all my trust and can rely on, then i will send my picture to u for a court marriage, or if it is INVITATION LETTER. While i'm saying this is that it will be fasten our love and we will now have a real love and a physical sex . I hope u have a postal address and phone number, i need all ur contact. Comming to know me much My real name is [NAME], like i said it in the begining,i was born in Enugu State that's my state of origin and i was born in the year 29th march 1983 by the time month of march 2005 will runs over i will become 22 of age. My full contact is [FULL CONTACT] and also my cell phone number will be soon, i give it u. You can easily contact me any time ok.i really care for u sweet heart, ur so sweet, i care for u badly. Have a greate day.
pls sweet heart if ur interesting when replying just give me ur postal adress so that i will send my pictures to u ok.

Do u like masquerade?, if u woundn't mind i will purchase it and sent it to u soon, it is one of Nigeria culture , it is a masquerade cultural dance. It is in VCD . Believe me u need to watch it. I love u honey.
With Love From