italians to the left of us, italians to the right, but here we are....
(post written with brother matt)
so it turns out that there are more italians in prague than there are czech people. as roberto, or ricardo, or rodrigo, or whatever-his-name-is, says- 'you pick up a rock, there is an italian; there are italians under rocks here.' everyday, i (nicole) walk home, i have to dodge, frogger-like, through swarms of italian high-school groups who hang out in front of the spanish synagogue next to my house. and usually, some young italian hipster-in-training, with sunglasses bigger than his face, will look at me and give me an enthusiastically approving thumbs up.
ricardo says that italian women are like elaborate meals and you have to cook and coerce them in order to become their lover. this must be why the young italians start practicing the food preparation early on. ricardo also says that czech women are too easy; they are like frozen-food and he prefers cooking.
i told ricardo that i thought that italian men were too easy. he said, "have you ever had an eetalian lahver?" i said, "well, no." he said, "well then you don't know, do you?"
backtrack. let's explain ricardo.
yesterday, kelli picked up some italians in the school cafeteria. ricardo, potentially the most energetic person we have ever met, told her he was studying here for the semester. later, when he realized that he'd have to cook kelli, instead of eating her as frozen dinner, he admitted that him and his friend daniela (a male) were only here for the week. then he laughed for about five minutes. at one point in the evening, ricardo and daniela asked me if i was from alabama (they could tell from my eyes?), they started singing 'o zuzanna' in italian and kicking and dancing in circles. i said i didn't quite get that, so they did it twice more.
ricardo firmly maintains that the only reasons people come to prague are to a) live cheaply, b) pick up easy girls, or c) be an easy girl. he could absolutely NOT believe that matt was here ONLY to visit his sister. in fact, he thought that matt was tricking me into thinking he just wanted to visit me, when he really just wanted to go to a country with easy women. he said "ha ha. yes. i wish i had a sister in an easy-woman country! ha ha ha! yeees."
if matt was here only to pick up easy women, then he is being VERY unsuccessful... especially when he spends 30 minutes in the back of a bar talking to his lovely girlfriend of two years.
in other words, matt and i love ricardo.
okay, now we're going to abbreviate this entry so that we may go shoot crossbows at things in the prague castle.
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