bloody bunny heads
as we mentioned, rhys and i went to the zoo with some friends on monday. it was pretty fun, as far as zoos go... but not the most fun. the zoo in austria was probably the best zoo i've been too. the most striking features of the prague zoo were not the animals they had on display so much as the cuisine provided for the animals they had on display.
we got to the big cats' cages around their lunchtime, which meant that some of them were ripping in to huge chunks of raw meat, and that others were somewhere behind their cages being provided their raw meats. when we got to one cage, the tiger that was supposed to be there was suspiciously absent. in its place, however, was its lunchtime leftovers...
...guys this is so gross...
...the cage was entirely empty except for this tiny little dead white bunny with its eyes open and all the meat on its legs scraped off, to reveal two tiny little bloody little red bunny leg-bones. i took a picture. i'll post it eventually (hopefully). english steve (who is awesome) spotted the bunny's backside in the next cage over. another cage feature a severed bunny head.
okay okay now i have to keep writing this paper.
hey, that is the look i was probably going for last halloween.
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