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Being the unbelievable adventures of two young travelers in Prague and elsewhere...

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I didnt find the Brothers Karamazov. I knew it was too good to be true. It was in Prague 6, way beyond the end of the Metro Line. I got remarkably close, finding Robin Oil, a landmark I saw on the map, but then I found myself walking on a highway with nothing promising in sight. I went home glorifying the play to myself. It had to be pretty much the best thing ever. Im sure of this now. I wonder what the Grand Inquisition scene was going to be like. Probably like nothing human eyes have ever witnessed. I bet they would have used dry ice or a smoke machine to make it all mysterious. I could have been a changed man, if only Id left a little earlier!

And then today, I was supposed to have that 3:00 job interview. It was at Cafe Louvre, just a block away from Tesco, the everything store that is about 15-20 minutes from our apartment by walking, even shorter by tram. I left the apartment around 2:15, just to make sure I would get there early. I got on the first tram I saw, figuring that just about everything goes to Tesco, and that if for some reason that one didnt, I would just get off and walk to rest of the way. Well, it didnt, go I got off at a weird stop, and walked, sure that just about every road led to Tesco. Really, its impossible not to find the place even when you arent trying to go there. Ive been there 20 times and have never had a problem finding it. And yet, this time, when it really counted, when people were waiting for me, and might have a job for me, I couldnt find it. I jumped on another random tram and got even more lost. At 3:10, I was still wandering. I sent Natalia an apologetic text message, and was ready to go home and jump out my window, this time for real. I was pretty sure that I no longer deserved to live. On the other hand, with the snow and everything, the jump wouldnt be fatal. At worst, I would be paralyzed. At best, I would hardly be injured and would feel like my bruised bum was punishment enough and I could move on.

Then, miraculously, as one is bound to do after walking around Prague for long enough, I found Tesco. Went around the corner to Cafe Louvre and I was 25 minutes late. Amazingly Natalia had waited for me, and I actually managed to make a good impression on her and the manager of the restaurant to be.

Librayz closing. GOing to berlin with Nicole this weekend


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