i am currently glutting myself on internet. oh yes. the study abroad office is open. i'm consuming the information superhighway like rhys's tohum tahini potato salad or his hummus, both of which i am addicted to. i am checking myspace and friendster. i'm even reading bulletins. i'm responding to people's emails. it feels so good.
i'm also feeling better in real life. it started on saturday when my friend ginny called. i cheered right up. then we went out to a 'make-out party' where none of us made out, but had lots of fun dancing, which was our initial plan. the next day i woke up and stayed in bed all day. i read 'the unbearable lightness of being.' i finished it. i couldn't put it down. i went to sleep early and slept late and feel better than i have in weeks.
okay one disorganized thought and then i'll write an organized entry.
the language: i felt like i was learning pretty rapidly in my intensive language course. i felt like i had a better grip on the language even than most of my classmates and i felt empowered. then the class ended and i feel like giving up. there were a few refrains in the class that the teacher repeated over and over. when i'm walking around town and hear people speaking in czech, it sounds practically like gibberish. but then i will hear one of the classroom refrains. it sounds probably like one of those american guitar riffs that rhys would hear in those czech songs. it sounds like cliches. it sounds like the charlie brown teacher talking "blah blah blah" and punctuated by simple cliches "blah blah see spot run blah blah the interesting book. the hot water. blah blah. the cold weather. blah"
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