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Being the unbelievable adventures of two young travelers in Prague and elsewhere...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

nervous nicole being neurotic

neurotic nicole being nervous? i posted a similar entry on my other blog, but seeing as this was prague related, i thought i ought to just go ahead and put it up here too.

i've been nervous about going abroad. like i keep having these visions of myself meeting all these horrible ends abroad and what would happen to my family afterwards. they would be so sad, and if there is any afterlife, i would have to watch it and just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. i'm superstitious and also jewish, so i'll just say kenna hora right now (it translates as 'may the evil eye stay away'). i'll probably say it a bunch when i'm talking about things like this.

i've always had thoughts like this. i'll be driving up my driveway and i'll picture my car sliding down and crashing. or my dad will be following my car in his own and i'll have images of crashing in front of him and him having to watch powerlessly as, well, something awful happens. i shouldn't even really talk about the time i thought my brother was dead. KENNA HORA!

i know why i have these visions. it's because of my upbringing. i've had a morbid upbringing. my mom always has nightmares like this too and always has taught me fear and pessimism. i sound like i'm complaining, but really i'm not. i know that it's because she loves me. and if this is the way that she is most crazy, then fine.

there is this poem by larkin that goes "they fuck you up, your mum and dad. they may not mean to, but they do. they fill you with the faults they had and add some extra just for you." it goes on, of course. it really is a good little poem. i butchered it by taking out the line breaks stuff, but i only know the sound of it, not the look. you ought to look it up anyway. but i'm on a tangent. so, yeah, i think that parents can't help fucking you up. i mean how could they not? they shape so much of you. it couldn't all be consistently positive. so there will be negative influence as well as positive influence. it is totally unavoidable. so i guess this is just a short paragraph to say how i don't mind that my parents fucked me up by making me a morbid fearful nicole. i mean, i mind it, but i'm not mad at them for it.

this being said, i'm morbid and fearful. i've had urges to write little notes to my family like "if i don't see you again... yada yada yada," but that's too too creepy and also too movie-like and i try to avoid movie-like situations because they never work out for me. i tell myself that i'm just apprehensive about this huge experience i'm about to have. i'll just throw in an extra kenna hora just to be safe.

but i'm still afraid. i don't know much about the country. i don't know the language. i don't know what safety behaviors to use, or what streets to stay away from, or who i'll be able to trust. we don't even have an apartment! all i've got is a friend who i know is going to be a swell roommate, and this is a lot, but he's not going to be there all the time.

the apartment thing bothers me more than just not knowing where i'm going to live. on the one hand, there's no way we'll know if a place meets our needs until we see the places and the neighborhoods and know where we'll need to be and blah blah blah. but also, i've finally realized, i think, why my mom is such an insistent planner. it's not so everything will work out perfectly, because, to be honest, my mom's need to plan things and get things done often means that she doesn't get the best deals or end up in the best situations. what it means, though, is that she has a tangible future to look to, and this way the future isn't so scary.

when i thought we had an apartment, i pictured myself in the apartment. i felt safe. it didn't matter whether i was comfortable or not, because i had plans. rhys would be there soon, and i could lay low until then. or whatever. you know?

but now that we're back to what seems like square one, with no apartment or real plans, when i imagine my first days in prague, i imagine wandering around the streets by myself. or being robbed in a hostel. or just a big black sort of scary vague impression. yes yes, i know i'm overreacting. these things are just vague unsettling impressions that seems a lot more extreme when i've written them down. but they're there.

basically, planning good things makes it seem like bad things can't happen. but having no plans opens up the possibility for something really good or really really bad to happen. in short, i want an apartment already.

also, i'm thinking that i want to start capitalizing some of my entries. would our readership be opposed? or do you think that this is the best way to distinguish between the two of us? should we get our own login names? or should we just indicate who is writing at the beginning of each entry? or do you think you'll just be able to figure it out because rhys and i are so different? i sort of don't want to get different login names just for symbolic reasons. rhys and i are in this blog together. and we get our book deal, we'll want to make sure they know we're in it together even though rhys is much funnier than i am and i am much better at thinking of pointless allusions to literature, film, tv, and videogames. comments are welcome. or you can just tell one of us in person, or over the phone or email, or whatever your preferred medium.

i think i'll go to sleep now and try to have good dreams. after i finally got to sleep last night, i dreamt that my room cleaned itself. i'm not joking.


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey nicole, it's andrew. i don't have any special thoughts on being neurotic, except that we're all neurotic in some way or other. so let me tell you a little story.

i showed up in a shitsplat city of 40,000 in northern france at the end of september. it's the least pretty area of france and it's wrought with unemployment problems, xenophobic attitudes, and dickheads. i didn't know where i was going to sleep my first night here. i didn't know a soul and the first time i asked someone for directions they intentionally misdirected me because i spoke french with an accent. i knew this and went the other way.

a week later i was having the time of my life meeting interesting folks and exploring the area. this in spite of the shittiness of the place. on the other hand, prague is a wonderful city that's used to people that can't speak czech. they don't even let their dogs shit on the sidewalk, i don't think.

point being, it's not always easy - sometimes it's ridiculously frustrating and i just want to crawl in a hole. but you've got a good head on your shoulders and you'll be fine, despite the inevitable stressful moment here and there. you'll love it, and in the end it won't be the shitty parts that you'll remember most vividly.

i'm not trying to be motivational or uplifting, but that's my story. if it helps, great, if not, my fingers needed the exercise anyway. much love my soon to be not so far away friend.

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i am amy. i'm behind on this blog-reading stuff but i will comment anyway. nicole is in london now and she has an apartment for the first month i beleive, so it's all ok for now. but i still feel the need to point out that it's ok to plan ahead and worry if it helps you to be happier and less-stressed in the end. granted, things will transpire that are out of our control, so the most important thing is to just be happy and try to make reasoned-out decisions to the best of your ability and then try not to have regrets. one of my favorite philosophers (that i'm writing this says a lot because i'm not a fan of philosophy in general), montaigne, said that true happiness is having no regrets. even if you make a terrible decision that leads to unhappiness, or suffering or whatever it may be, you have to recognize that as long as you stay true to yourself and your own values, you shouldn't regret your actions because you did the best with what you had at that moment in time. obviously i am much less eloquent in my expression of this idea and this comment is obscenely long and rambling. but in short, i don't think you should change from being, as you put it, neurotic and morbid if it's not hindering you from being happy in the long run.

also, i'm not sure who andrew is or if i know him, but did you do the french embassy ESL program? i applied for this and it would start in sept. 05 and i, too will probably be in a shithole town if i go. ok i'm done.


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