Who's right, me or Nicole?
We leave for Prague in less than three weeks, and Nicole and I have yet to pick an apartment. Risky? Maybe. Disastrous? Quite possibly. Typical of our fly by the seat our pants carpe diem let the chips fall where they may we're just visiting you can't tell us what to do we're Americans born and bred attitude? Most definitely.
Okay, not really. We just can't agree on a place. It's our tastes. They're too different. In an apartment, I look for elegance, class, beauty, practicality, centrality, space, and affordability. Nicole wants the opposite of all that. Today we finally narrowed it down to two places. I want you, the readers, to decide which apartment is better...
Or Nicole's?:
Am I right, or am I right?
Coming soon: Rhys's expectations and hopes for Prague!
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