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Sunday, January 02, 2005

we gotta get out of this place

first, background information: rivendell is the name of the elven city where arwen and elrond are from in the lord of the rings books and films. it is probably the most pleasant setting in all of fantasy literature.

now, a metaphor: austin is rivendell. austin, like rivendell, is the happiest place on earth. one is tempted to stay, lulled by its peacefulness and grace. ultimately, however, were frodo and company not to leave rivendell, not only would middle earth have fallen into darkness, but the books would also have been mostly unininteresting. there is a lesson here.

in other words, it is time to leave austin and embark on our quest. nicole feels precariously stagnant and no longer wants to wait for the eye of darkness to reach her. rhys seeks some of sauron's fire to fuel his creative spark.

coming soon: an entry from nicole concerning her motivations and expectations. and then maybe another one on the same topic, but from rhys, concerning his own motivations and expectation.

also, i wish to issue an apology for the extended LOTR reference. you, reader, are in the company of dorks (well, at least one).


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