Okay, this is Rhys, and I'm in the Czech Republic now
I'm in "Praha" now, and so far I've contemplated slicing my wrists, jumping out of a window, giving Nicole all the rent money for whole time and flying back to the states, and sobbing endlessly. There's been some good too!
Last night I had the worst nightmare I can remember. I was in some sort of Eastern European city. Not Prague. That's central Europe. Someone tried to kill me, so I killed him. This set me on a horrible chain of events where everybody was after me, and wanted to kill me, out of revenge for this one guy. So I did what anybody would do. I killed all of them. In horribly brutal ways. The one I remember most, I stabbed in the heart with a pen multiple times, and then ripped through his torso by pulling the pen down. This guy was huge. What else could I do? Along the way, I ran into Nicole. She was wearing a veil, not a muslim veil, but an eastern european veil. She ran along with me, and it was all my fault that she was in this much danger. Somehow I managed to kill (in self defense) everyone we met. At the end of our dream, we were hiding behind some bushes and watching as our final nemises, a woman with long wavy red hair, looked for us and cackled, sure that we would soon meet our ends.
Then at 4:45 p.m., Nicole woke me up. I guess I have jet lag. Today was going to be my big day to make my own life here, but I slept through it all. That makes it a better day than yesterday, when I accidentally locked Nicole out of the apartment. Or the day before, when I blew out the power in our apartment with my flaxseed grinder. Maybe Nicole sedated me to keep me from blowing up the entire apartment. All I do is break things, and then Nicole has to fix them. But I can cook!
Last night, Nicole was locked out for 20 minutes while I had the first deep sleep of my trip. Earlier that day, I'd left the apartment unlocked, so I guess I over did it to make amends. NEVER OVERDO IT! That's what I learned. After Nicole got inside, I went to my room, opened the window, and thought about jumping into the soft, comforting snow below. I would have survived, easily, but it wouldn't have helped either of us. Instead, I brushed my teeth in my room, and spit into the snow. It spiraled in slow motion into the snow, and was quite beautiful. Much like Prague itself. Nicole is right about Prague being beautiful. It will only get more beautiful once Rachel gets here. GET HERE, Rachel! Where are you!? How could you leave me like this?!?!
It will get better. When I first moved to Austin, I was so depressed. And look how that worked out. I'm glad I'm here. I just need to go off on my own and find a job and a life here. I need to get a converter so I can plug in my computer. I need to get some flaxseed. I need to eat some food (yesterday I ate nothing but two bowls of oats and one oat bar, and today I've eaten nothing!). I need to figure out what I'm doing here. I need to learn Czech. Actually, before I left Dallas, I was working on a blog entry about how I knew I would never learn Czech. Turns out I was right... so far. I wish I could though. Obviously English is the most beautiful language, and the easiest to learn and understand. I picked it up in like 5 seconds. Czech, though, may very well be the coolest language. Oh well. I'm resigned myself to only knowing one language for my entiere life. Good thing it's the universal language.
Seriously, I've had the time of my life so far. Prague's an awesome city, and Nicole's an even awesomer person. We're going to have a fantastic time. I just need to stop ruining Nicole's life. No, no, seriously though, it's going to be great!! Seriously. Though.
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